The Panda action was the first of the aluminum actions designed by Ralph W. Stolle and to this day is still the most popular action built by Kelbly’s Inc.
Most suited for the Light Varmint and Sporter classes in benchrest, it is also an excellent choice for a Heavy Varmint class rifle, for a barrel-clamped Unlimited rifle, and for a single shot live varmint rifle.
The Panda is available in either standard length or .850 inches longer with an integral recoil lug. Optional with the Panda is a micro port in right bolt/left full size or Shorty main port, left bolt/right full size or Shorty main port, right bolt/right Shorty main port or left bolt/left Shorty main port configurations. The Panda with a Shorty main port has a shorter bolt travel for faster shooting.
Comes standard with:
Aluminum Bolt Shroud • Trigger Bracket and Screws • Rear Allen Head Guard Screw • Spiral Fluted Bolt • Grease